Take Your Dog to Work Day
We’ve had a wonderfully relaxing day. We were up early for no particular reason. One of our BIL’s friends came by for a visit. I made a sausage, eggs and cheese braid for everyone. It seemed like as soon as the kitchen was clean, we were serving lunch. Jamie brought his company’s hot spot with him. His connectivity has been spotty but he’s managed to attend the important Monday reviews. He and Sugar sat through meetings all day. He was back and forth between his laptop and his phone. Of course, Sugar slept through a few. He is still having a few medical issues. We may make a trip into town to visit the urgent care if he doesn’t feel better tomorrow. I worry about residual infection. Hubby got his Christmas cards addressed. I have to write our Christmas letter but I really needed a day to rest first. My sister and I started planning a big project for December. You will see the finished work before we head home. The guys are looking forward to football by the fireplace tonight. I have to work on my life story; 14 chapters await being written. Wishing you a beautiful new chapter in your life’s story. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. “My dog insists on a morning meeting to discuss the day’s napping schedule.” - Sandjest.com
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