Earth's Gorgeousness
The storm passed over us in the night with thunder and lightning, but not much rain. Here, another clothesline, with our autumn mulberry trees in the background
A day of catching up on neglected tasks, and going to the English conversation class I do with three lovely ladies.
And now, my last quote from The Supper of the Lamb, by Robert Farrar Capon, ch 16, "The Burning Heart", where first he sings the praises of bicarbonate of soda for curing what he calls the lower heartburn, and then goes on to talk of the Higher Heartburn, for which earth has no cure:
Half of earth's gorgeousness lies hidden in the the glimpsed city it longs to become. For all its rooted loveliness, the world has no continuing city here; it is an outlandish place, a foreign home, a session in via to a better version of itself - and it is our glory to see it so and thirst until Jerusalem comes home at last. We were given appetites, not to consume the world and forget it, but to taste its goodness and hunger to make it great.
There is more, and it's wonderful, but you'll have to get the book for yourself to read it.
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