Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

University of the Third Age

Well, the forecast was spot-on today - sunshine from 10am to 4pm, and so it was! 

Spent an hour or two this morning starting to write up the next of my London Walks, then got ready for the u3a Creative Writing Group meeting at 12.30. This time it was at a member's house only a 10 minute walk away, which was good. We all brought a picnic lunch and were promised coffee and mince pies! As always, a little business first, then the uncovering of the mystery object - this time a lovely old set of scales with brass weights. The timer is set and we have 10 minutes to make up a story about it! I'm surprised how easy it is to start writing straight away and come up with anything we like to write!

Next on the list was the reading out of the piece that we all write for each meeting. Again, this can be anything at all, so it's rather fun.

Back home in the late afternoon sunshine. My Blip today is of the 'Clansman' coming into Oban, nose between the port and starboard channel markers. One especially for the ferry lovers!

Quote of the Day: 'What fire could ever equal the sunshine of a winter's day?' - Henry David Thoreau.

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