David J. Rose

By djrose007

No Man (little girl) is an island!

With apologies to John Donne, where "No Man is an Island" is taken from in his poem 'Meditation XVIII'.
If there's a puddle you'll usually find a child in it. Seeing Bella in this one just had to be snapped, especially with that very low sun in the background. This was taken at 08:40 this morning.
The Extra was also a contender for today's blip. Harry, up on the roof, replacing the ridge tile that blew off in Storm Bert. I'm glad to say they did a thorough job as this ridge tile had been blown off a few years ago. Wayne, the roofer gang leader, showed me the original cement used to fix the original ridge tile, and the duff cement used by the previous roofer who had not removed the old cement when doing the fix so he did a real Bodget and Scarper job!
Not only did they do the ridge tile but I gave him a couple of cable ties and he fixed the TV aerial cable to the post, it came adrift years ago and I just cannot get up to that height to fix it, even if I wasn't terrified of heights!
I asked him about the gutters, grass was growing out of one corner and he said that he had noticed how blocked up, with moss, the guttering was. He said that, as they already had the ladders up there, he would do the front gutters for an extra £25, quite a bargain compared to other quotes, plus they did it by hand so they got every bit out, unlike the vacuum jobs that someone did last winter. 
So we are a bit better prepared for any further winter storms.

P.S. Edit - When the ridge tile was blown off it missed Julia's BMW car by inches. If she'd parked a little closer to the house it would have made a terrible mess of her bonnet, and probably nearside headlight and wing.

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