
By AlrightFlower

No more squelchy ears!

Thanks to these babies. Not, I grant you, very attractive to look at, but I can actually hear properly for the first time in over a week woo hoo! Though, note to people in the pool - my anti-fog goggles are fogged up (how do you stop that happening, I've tried spitting in them and it doesn't work??) and the purple stuff in my ears isn't an over-abundance of oddly coloured earwax, so I'm going to struggle if you try to talk to me!!

I managed to do every 4th length as front crawl today (well, except for the first time I tried, when the idiot* swimming towards me and slightly on my right decided to cut across to my left right in front of me) and I thought I did quite well. Tomorrow I shall try it every 3rd length, and see how I get on. It's knackering though!

I've got a million things I need to do today, so I really ought to get on. I'm having a bit of a block though - it's weird, sometimes when I have to do something I get quite stubborn about it, and if it's something I don't really want to do, it gets me quite angry ;-)

Anyway, stop rambling Flower (ooh, someone called me Flower the other day - dad used to call me that, and it's the first time I've heard it since he died, and it made me smile rather than cry).



* I try not to dislike people from the off though sometimes I fail, but he swims breaststroke (albeit faster than me) with such short, choppy, inelegant strokes that you risk a gobful of water every time he swims past you!

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