
By kas18

Oom Pah Pah, Oom Pah Pah!

Had a very nice evening celebrating my mother-in-laws 80th birthday. We went to The Vienna Rooms in Southend. It's nice that all the family could get together which made her day. The last time I went to the Vienna Rooms was over twenty years ago and it has changed, but not very much. You used to get song sheets to sing from but this time these two guys just kept coming round the tables entertaining you. Towards the end of the evening a DJ took over and we all got up and took over the dance floor. It was so nice to see all grandchildren up dancing with their nan too. My boys had never been before but they thoroughly enjoyed it.

It's been a long day. I was up at 5.30 to go to my open water training session. I stayed on today, because I didn't have to go to work, to do a time trail. Only 750 mts which was one lap of the lake. I did quite well so was happy.

Its now 1.43am and my bed is calling......nite nite blippers!

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