
By Stace91

The Camouflage Duck

I went for a walk back to the river to see what the wildlife was up to. Yesterday when I was pretending to take photos of the animals so I could stand around listening to the gospel music coming from the church service in the scout hall, I came across new sealife besides the usual kind of duck and pigeons.

This is the best I could do today for 3 reasons:

1) The pigeons had taken over today as people threw them bread.

2) There was some guy sitting in the park with no shirt on, screaming out to someone about who knows what but I did catch him telling some man that he wasn't talking to him but the woman behind him. I looked... There was no woman. I believe in ghosts and if that is what he was hinting at I wanted to get home.

3) The duck was kind of invisible.

I can see it, you can just see it, but unlike the ghost lady this duck is there for everyone to see. His head a dark red colour blends in with the rocks and dirt, would be handy if he was being preyed upon.

As I stood trying to get a photo of the duck, I saw from the corner of my eye something scamper through the grass. It was small and had brown fur, I thought I had struck the jackpot! A bunny!! I don't get to see them often so I was excited and planed to make Mr Bugsy the star of today's blip entry.
I began to walk around to the other side of the bordering fence. I saw it scamper by again, this time with some of the pigeons bread. All I could see was a piece of bread moving through the long grass and bits of brown fur running quickly.

I stood in place, looking through the fence near where the bread was, waiting patiently for him to come back. The grass started shivering and Oh My God!!! Not a cute bunny!!! It was a blippin' rat!! Ew ew ew!!

We locked eyes. He had been caught hijacking bread. He ran away before I could take a photo. I had to laugh though... Charlottes Web was right, he was exactly like Templeton The Rat

Still grossed out. I have checked the leg of my pants 10 times just to make sure I haven't given any a free lift back to my house!

Hope you're all having a great start to the working week!!

Stacy xoxo

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