
By Kipsie

Destined for the chop

Sadly succombed to Ash dieback and on the path edge. I spoke to the two DWT chaps seen in the distance who had a clipboard & spray can. I asked them the symptoms etc. for identifying Ash dieback. It was also a great opportunity to ask about the two sections of heath where the top layer had been taken off. It's to provided bare earth habitat of which there is very little on the heathland.
I dashed back to Chudleigh for a coffee with Jan after walking Indie, & making Mum's lunch. It was good to catch up.
Mum enjoyed her pan fried cod & chips.
Hubby was fretting when I got home, the Dr's telephone call that he was expecting did'nt materialise. He'd receive an sms asking him to go on-line to request an apt. I tried, it was too late for today, try again at 8am tomorrow morning. I have my uses.

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