All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Yet again, hubbie was working overtime. So Ethan and I mooched around the house in the morning, then went to Morrisons to buy some bits and pieces for lunch.

Hubbie arrived home just before us. Once we'd had lunch, he was put on face-painting duty and painted Ethan's face as a crocodile as Ethan was dressing up as a Crocodile for our trip to see Rumble in the Jungle.

When I told him this morning that we were going to see the Singing Kettle today with some of his wee pals, his response was "please can I go up on the stage this time mummy, p-l-e-a-s-e?" He was really disappointed not to be one of the children chosen when we went to see them last year. I had to tell him that he could put his hand up to say he wanted to be picked but not to be upset if he didn't.

Anyway, he wasn't picked in the first half and looked a bit sad. When they announced during the 2nd half that they needed 7 more children to join them on the stage, he was jumping up and down and waving his hand about. I couldn't believe it when Anya approached him to give him one of the cards to say he could go on the stage ... only he was so busy jumping up and down he was looking the wrong way and didn't see her! I was sitting about 5 seats away from him as all the kids were sitting together and I ended up bellowing at him and waving like something demented to get his attention. Oh dear - think I was even more excited than him!

Once up on the stage, Anya spoke to all the children to ask their name, age etc, etc. Ethan's voice sounded so tiny and timid over the microphone ... when he said "I'm 3" it sounded like "18", causing her to joke about how he's very small for 18. (Ethan is the child she is talking to in this photo). When she then tried to get the children to all run in a circle after her, Ethan just stood there looking bemused. So, she picked him up, put him over her shoulder and ran around with him like that! Was so funny, I had tears rolling down my cheeks! The kids then went backstage and then came back on in hippo costumes - Ethan was baby hippo - this time he did join in the circle on stage - phew!

After the show we went over to the Foreveryoungs for Ethan's weekly sleepover . He was very excited to see that Grandpa was there this evening too!

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