A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Handsome Stag

I started this lovely jigsaw a little while ago feeling it suited the season. I hadn’t realised it was square so had to find a board of suitable dimensions to do it on as my fold away jigsaw mat is oblong.

I put it on one side for a while so that I could do a more  obvious Christmas one acquired at the Tittle Tattle Tea shop. It’s supposed to be Leicester Square at Christmas. I did it in a week and took it back to be resold again.
I returned to this one, which was quite tricky, and finished it at the weekend. It’s called ‘Handsome Stag ‘ and I think he’s lovely.

Leaving him in the board for a while as I spilled a glass of sloe gin on him! (Medicinal!) I’m hoping the pieces will come apart when it’s fully dried!

Been to the last Pilates of the year this morning and as my friend is back from visiting family in Canada so we went to Woodbank garden centre for lunch. I won’t see her again either till the New Year as she is spending Christmas with her other daughter in London. 
Almost dark at not yet 4.00 pm this afternoon, roll on longer days!

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