
By KathyH58

Christmas lights

This evening I went for a drive to see more Christmas lights. The main one is one of the lesser known displays. One of the extras is a house that many people visit, and he has a FB page to let people know when he turns the lights on.
Sunshine and a temperature of +8 C today. I had to put some burlap around a rhododendron for one of my customers, the other cover I put around it blew off in a wind storm. Hopefully the stakes with the burlap on them will stay where I put them. 
I stopped at a farm market on the way home to pick up some veggies for Christmas dinner. Then a short walk at Shubie. The challenge this week in one FB group is using a tripod. So I took my tripod and walked to the waterfalls beside one of the trails.
When I moved I had a bag with some bulbs in it, but it went to the land of the missing, so they never got planted. I did have a package of alliums so they got planted today. I am going to miss my crocus and tulips in the spring. One of my suppliers sells pots of bulbs, tulips, narcissus and grape hyacinth in the spring. I will have to get some from him.
The watering can for my houseplants never did surface. I have no idea what happened to it.

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