a new year!

By Thesalh70

First stop...Robin Hoods Statue

up early doors, and out for a walk with Pete first thing - what a glorious morning, dew on the grass, slight breeze, gorgeous blue sky.

off to hospital this morning, and caught the bus which without school traffic, hit town earlier than i'd expected, so managed a quick 15 minute trip to Robin Hoods statue. I can honestly say i didn't realise it had been there so long...not til i've read up on it now - unveiled 61 years ago, he's stood the test of time, and looks set to be there for sometime yet!

Robin Hoods Statue

Bus then to the QMC, and first of all chest X-ray, followed by appointment with the Eye Doc. it was packed in there, and boiling hot too. Was ages before i got to see doc, and then off to wait 45 mins for a prescription. Sandwich while i waited, and eventually got on the bus at 2pm, eventually getting in at about 3pm.

worked then til about 7pm, then a delicious tea cooked.

off then for a long walk with Pete, and then home to blip and rest and roll the dice for tomorrows pic.....and it's 11!

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