Quicker than a ray of light I'm flying...

Today is my Friday - woo hoo! After asking, and being permitted, to leave at 3.30pm today - an hour early (in addition to having tomorrow off, after putting in some overtime earlier in the week) - I somehow managed to leave at 6pm, 90 minutes late. There's something wrong there. And I've brought work home with me, which I may or may not do on my alleged day off.

All I know is, I'm ridiculously busy. I woke up at 3am (the tv in my bedroom is, annoyingly, set to update itself at 3am every day, and the little light - which is blue when the tv's on and red when it isn't - starts flashing blue and red). I'm a really, really light sleeper and it always wakes me up. I can usually get back off quite easily (being not quite awake) but this morning my mind started whirring with everything I had to do today. I'm stubborn, so I tossed and turned for 45 minutes, getting more and more frustrated at still being awake, then finally gave in and went downstairs for a cup of tea. I took it back to bed, wrote my page-long list to get it out of my head, then read a bit more of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - my current bedtime reading (I like something familiar at night) - before dozing off again at 4.30ish. And still managed to get up at 5.45 (ok, it was more like 6) to go swimming. How dedicated am I???

Glossing over the dragging around and cleaning of furniture in five meeting rooms despite it being the hottest day of the year so far...

So now I'm sitting outside in the evening warmth and gathering dusk, with a tealight lantern on the table and a second glass of wine, tapping away with Charlie being lord of all he surveys on the roof of the shed, and a three day weekend stretching out ahead of me.

Happy days.


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