Down By The River

Had a very lazy morning which was quite nice really. Then spent most of the day doing the normal household chores, followed by gardening. Far too nice to stay indoors and there is always so much to do in our garden.

I had a break and went and sat by the river and watched the damsels dance around. They don't keep still long enough to get a great shot of them. I wasn't there long when all the geese from our neighbours over the river came swimming past. The babies have got so big now. Then Maisie had her usual splash about to keep herself cool, while Oscar, the big sissy, looked on. He hates the water...might be just as well.

I've been bitten by flies today. They really hurt when they give you a nip. So not only do I have sore legs they are now swollen and itchy from the bites...I'm not doing well. I have booked a massage on my legs tomorrow. I think there is a bit of improvement since yesterday. There should be as I've been rubbing them in with Voltarol and taking ibuprofen which I've been told not to do together....but needs must.

Think I'll have a lazy evening too :)

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