All The Seasons
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
There was a call to arms from Kitty Cat. Or more accurately a WhatsApp message asking us to go to the pub.
Kitty Cat is due to start Chemo in the next few weeks and as she won’t be drinking alcohol during this time, she wanted to have pre treatment/end of Christmas Sunday beers.
“This will not be the usual quiet couple,” I said to The Prince who agreed.
And it wasn’t! It was good fun. The Eldest Mini Princess was in the same pub with her friends and Kitty Cat sent over shots to their table…and Terry thanked us with a round of Sambucas! Marsh was very excited as he thought this was going to be a ‘shot off’ with the youths but thankfully sense prevailed (mainly because the bar didn’t stock green chartreuse!)
As well as being fun, there were also moments where we raised a glass for people who are missed. The mixture is laughter and tears you can only have with your people.
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