Aha, the offending article!
After opening the curtains to be greeted again by a bright view of the Pentland Hills covered in snow with lots of blue sky,, we had another lazy breakfast, nattering about finishing Fidra's stripdown in the garage.
Our intention was to be done by dinnertime and have a stroll somewhere in the afternoon but alas, Ms.Fidra had other plans. Further research gave us new ideas for wrestling off the delicate throttle bodies. We were in the right ballpark but needed to both be levering away in the right places. Anyway, off the came.
Lots of cables, hoses, housings, sensors & elbows later led to the alternator which had 3 bolts, one of which was buried out of sight, extra awkward to get a socket onto, and very very tight!
We retreated for some beans on toast, decided a deep socket was required, and located one in a spares shop on the edge of the city. With that procured and the alternator removed, Ms.Arell discovered it was seized and the casing cracked. It was a relief for that we had found something broken to justify the work involved stripping her down. I love a challenge and enjoyed spending the time with bestie working our way through the bike :-) Hopefully Biscuit's friend will be back on her feet wheels soon!
As we had been invited to Ms.Arell's parents for tea we just relaxed for a few hours to plan for a day out tomorrow and then get ourselves over to their house to say Hi.
It was lovely to see them both again and be treated to a delicious smoked salmon pate, veggie casserole (mushrooms & chestnuts yum!) & sherry trifle *^_^* I took them some vegan cake that my eldest had made also, so we had two desserts I guess...and then it was three because I couldn't refuse a try of their also very Nom homemade Christmas Cake either...tomorrow will have to contain 'added exercise' to burn some of the calories off!
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