
By MerlotsDad

That's It !

Today was handover day at work, I was there for the very last time.

As I said at my presentation - I've been working 38 years & have enjoyed 34 of them ! All said & done I've done OK. Keith has been particularly good to me, allowing me to take garden leave for my notice period. Not that everyone agreed with his decision apparently.

So Thanks to Everyone who contributed to my working life people like Joe Benham, Bob Sargeant, Steve Tinnelly, Phil Eddy, Les Gardner, Jean Glanfield & of course Carol. I would never have done so well if it hadn't been for all of you.

Thanks to the old team for their help & support over the years & thanks to everyone else who contributed to my leaving gifts which I will enjoy.

Back to normal now ...after going to Tesco I rehung the kitchen door then had a beer !

Its been very hot today - low thirties I reckon.

I did it my way !

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