Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Our garden today.

The Feast Day of Saint Ita. An Irish virgin Saint.

As you can see from the photo today is blue skied with very dazzling sun. It is 8c and feels like 7c.

I have walked to the Best One shop and enjoyed the fresh, still cold, morning air.

Then housework and prayers. Holy Mass online.

After lunch, on the Talking Pictures channel, I watched a superb black and white film called "The Promise" made in 1952. It refers to a beautiful religious painting the leading actor saw in an Art Gallery.

There was a social worker trying to apply the New Testament message to the prisoners he was helping. I was delighted to see the attempt to spread the Good News given by Christ Jesus in a clear and simple way.

I enjoy well produced old films without bad language and without sinful slant. The 1950s were not such bad times to be born.

The weather is forecast to be 1c by 11pm and still 1c 7am Thursday morning.

I transplanted the Saint Joseph's Coat plant, photographed for my blip yesterday, into new compost. The plant was bought in about 2005 from a supermarket in Rishton and it has been wonderful seeing how well it grew since then. It has been up potted once or twice since then, but the flowerpot it is currently in, is already very heavy. I am praying the plant lives and grows healthy new leaves.
The Google information on this plant is helpful.

Geese and seagulls are making themselves heard in the vicinity.

Take care everyone and thank you for visiting my site today.

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