Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Our Peace Plant.

The Feast Day of Saint Fursa, abbot and missionary. An Irish Saint. He spread Christianity throughout Britain, particularly East Anglia. He passed away 648.

The Feast Day of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, Canada 's first canonised woman Saint.

There was frost early this morning, on the roofs and lawn.
I am very lacking in confidence on slippery surfaces and therefore didn't go out to buy our i newspaper today. I check news and our weather on Google.

The morning was uneventful and enjoyable.

One surprise was Holly our Tabby cat climbing the Oak tree at the far end of the back garden. Hunter has climbed the tree many times. This was Holly's first ascent as far as we have seen.

Paul did our Tesco shopping .

I did washing.

I listened to online Holy Mass .

I felt very indescribably distressed yesterday evening when I read online that some dark and milk chocolate products contain some lead and cadmium. Lindt was named and a few other brands. It is very bad form as to how this has been allowed to be sold to trusting customers. Lead and cadmium are heavy metals and bad for young children and adults. Read about it on Google. expands on this concern. There is an article and important chart explaining Toxins in Chocolate.

I am going to not buy or eat chocolate now. We can each make choices. We are God's children with free will.

Enjoy your day blip friends and stay safe.

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