
By BethAndCo

I can crawl using my head

Apart from going shopping to Sainsbury's today, we stayed in and chilled.

Eva is now showing her new crawling skills more and more, any chance she gets, it doesn't look very comfortable but it seems to work. She puts her head down, sticks her bum up, and kind of shimmies along the floor or bed, as if doing 'the worm'.

She also definitely has a 2nd tooth coming through, right next to the 1st one, so she is going to have 2 cute little tussies it seems. They don't seem to be causing her too much of a problem at the moment, hopefully this lasts.

Eva took a bit of settling at bedtime tonight, so Mike went up and put In The Night Garden on his iPad in her bed for her. She loves that programme. When he went to check on her not long later, she was spark out.

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