
By carliewired

65 F / 18 C

A day to ponder 
and a day to avert one's 
attention elsewhere


This was not a day I was looking forward to, so I signed up for a free online course in acrylic painting. This freebie is taking the week in installments. I need to have a happy place to plunk down in. This one will do. 

Acrylics University and Jed Dorsey have been very generous with their time and talent. They've offered free instruction via YouTube and a motivated community on Facebook. 

I don't know if I will actually paint but I do appreciate a lovely time absorbed in thinking about art. We are encouraged to paint from the photo reference offered or use one of our choosing. 

I've felt the need to hibernate since I returned on Friday. I have a nice, quiet neighbourhood, so I will stay home and enjoy it. 

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