
By Wanderers13

The first flowering daffodil of the year,

A dry day although rain was expected, one of the apps forecast it.  We finished off the small bed for raspberry canes and replanted dozens of little bulbs found in under the tree stump and surrounding soil, possible snowdrops or bluebells, will try to find out on Google.  

Bobbiegirl found the top level on the cat tree and stayed up there for a couple hours, a good place to snooze, Ted had to find another place and chose the level below, they looked sweet. He is very busy and found a small box to play with, Jack is good and usually plays when asked, not always,  they sound quite rough at times although I don’t think Jack will hurt him.  Unlike Rory who lashed out and caught Ted just below his eye this morning, it all looks fine now and don’t think the little fellow was aware. As I write he is relaxing beside me, worn out I should think. We all are. 

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