Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Hoody love

Spotted in Woking market. Made me feel quite uplifted.

Finished The Obelisk Gate by N K Jemesin. Compelling, dramatic, full of well drawn characters and situations. Have bought the third book in the trilogy to start tomorrow. A book a week is on track...

Bumped into neighbours up the road, H & C. C has a line of scars on her wrist and hand where she got infected and had to be taken into hospital and drained. Apparently what came out looked like custard cream. Her words not mine.

I notice that once you reach a certain age you become a cliche and talk about (a) your ailments (b) other people’s ailments (c) grandchildren (d) people who have died. There is an (e) which is Strictly Come Dancing but I have never watched it 

Overheard two young blokes on the canal towpath: "so I said, I don’t know who you are and I’ve only just met you, but I f***ing love you mate".

Overheard in Sainsbury’s. "Darren. Darren. DARREN!!!"

Bumped into former colleague E and his wife. They live in Hounslow but  said they have fallen in love with Woking. Not something you hear very often.

Got my hair cut and bought a new case for my iPhone. 

Great sunset tonight (extra).

There is supposed to be some sort of interplanetary alignment tonight but you hear different stories about it. Most of them prompt a joke on the topic of Uranus. Personally I think all the planets in our solar system (Sol) should be given randomly assigned letters and they should rename it R-Sol to avoid all the innuendo. 

Good day. Not over yet either.

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