
By LadyFindhorn

From City to Saughton

It felt as though I had been on safari when I got home at lunch time: a bus and  tram ride  to the outer regions of my known world- Saughton. The tram stop there must be the bleakest one on the whole tram route from the Airport to Newhaven. Arriving, you feel as though you have been dumped in some Russian Gulag. However I was not there to admire the view but to get to my Dentist a 10minutes walk away. She is a great dentist who I have followed around as she changed practices to keep  working in the NHS. It is about 9months since I saw her to have a  crown fitted, although the latter was not on the NHS.

Every time I see her I get the same lecture about flossing and she manages to terrify me with what can happen if I don’t do it properly. Even though I was convinced that I was bullet proof today, she managed to extract tiny morsels of flotsam and jetsam from between my molars that are so closely packed you would be forgiven for thinking that there is no way anything could even get in here.
I managed to wriggle out of spending my life savings on  a deep clean today with the promise of making an appointment for one with her in the summer. I said ‘no’ to the hygienist- I am deeply traumatised by a visit to one several years ago.

The journey back to civilisation by tram was an experience best missed. It was standing room only by the time I got on with prams and cases in the mix. It really felt like the London Underground at peak travelling time.

Later this afternoon I’m expecting a Stromness Selkie to appear.  I’m looking forward to hearing all her news as we head out to eat.

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