
By TonyG

Pottery EB

At least yesterday's was a planned pottery Blip!   Three more of the pieces that came out of the kiln yesterday.  All bright in the brief flash of sunshine.  They're not all the same size, just look better lined up like this given I didn't take a 'group photo'

A busy day.   Started early - by my standards - to take Jamie to Arthog and the local RDA group.  He enjoyed his ride, a warm up for a more vigorous one elsewhere on Thursday.   Home for a cooked lunch as I was out this evening.  This afternoon, before walking Meg, I made 14 jars of ginger marmalade in the mistaken belief that I had run out.  When I sorted all the empty jars in the cupboard I found one jar of marmalade from the last batch.  Still a good time of year to be doing it and the house smelt all citrussy for a little while :-)

I had a snooze after tea and nearly missed singing!   Not that we sang a lot of songs, too much chat tonight as we caught up with folk we haven't seen for a while.  

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