
By Legacy


Here she is, all 1.23 pounds of her.

It was encouraging news when I called the vet this morning. Trinket was eating on her own, walking around and looking pretty good. All her little bodily functions were working as they should and she appeared to be on the mend. They said I could bring her home in the morning.

Then I got a call from her doctor after I got home from work. She had gone from perky to dish rag in a matter of hours and they didn't know why. When they went to feed her this evening she was limp and lethargic, just like she had been yesterday when I had her at the office. So, we're back to not knowing what's happening and she'll have to stay at the vet over the weekend. I know they'll do everything they can for her but they're mystified by her symptoms. I'll call first thing in the morning.

There are good people worrying about her and caring for her, and she's warm and safe which is more than we can say for her siblings who won't have the chance at life that she has. I'm still so angry at the thought of someone just dumping her mother in the woods that it's making me ill, but I'm trying to focus on the positive and just knowing that there are blippers/friends out there with their fingers crossed and thinking about her means so very much. This dear little creature is trying very hard to survive. Thank you all.

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