Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A pause in the woods

It was grey and cold today. While Luke and Meriel relaxed at home I went to a group golf lesson as mine was cut short on Wednesday (I had to rush home to let the plumber in). My coach made me warm up my wrist very well, and while my wrist was a bit uncomfortable afterwards it was not as painful as the previous week. 

When I got home I had a cappuccino to warm up and then we walked to the woods with Xena. I had to get a photo of her with Luke and Meriel! 

Tommy is driving from Munich to Val d'Isere to go skiing with his friends, and his already long journey has been made even longer as there has been a rock fall on the mountain road to the ski resort. He is currently stuck in traffic and not sure if he will get there tonight. His friends, who flew from London this morning, are also stuck in various buses. Not sure if the road will be cleared tonight, and there is only one road to the resort.

Luke saw the specialist shoulder surgeon last night. Not only does Luke have a bony brankart fracture but he has also chipped the shoulder bone and has a buckle handle (SLAP)  tear in the shoulder. He sure made a good job of that injury! The surgeon said ordinarily this would definitely require surgery to correct, but as Luke has already been going to a physio and has strong shoulder muscles (he goes to gym every day), he has made an extraordinary recovery and he cannot believe his range of movement already. The chipped bone is kind of stuck in place so the surgeon has said to leave it for about 4 weeks and then reassess the situation again, after another MRI. Luke didn't tell him that he plans to go skiing again in March with his friends...personally I think that will have to be cancelled.

We had lunch at the favourite vegan restaurant in the village, a lentil chilli for Meriel and I and a halloumi burger for Luke. We will have supper at home and then Luke and Meriel will leave to go back to London tonight as they have something on tomorrow.

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