The White Bridge
A Friday with nothing on, and no plans. I pottered, then went out for a short walk, before heading out for a run. It was cold, but still, which made for pleasant running conditions. I ran my usual six mile route. Not long after I got back home, BB unexpectedly appeared.
He had got a lift to Edinburgh from his flatmate. All his flatmates are away this weekend, so he didn’t want to stay on his own, and given he is recovering from concussion he did not want the temptation of going out with his rugby friends. He also commented that he fancied a decent meal!! Given I wasn’t expecting him, I had no lunch for him, but cobbled something together for him.
He said he was bored this afternoon, so as the sun had appeared I dragged him out for a walk. He didn’t want to get his shoes muddy, so I chose our route to mostly avoid muddy tracks! We came home via the supermarket where I had to buy a few extra bits and pieces for tea.
Tea went down well, and was quite tasty, fish in a Greek-inspired sauce. Later there was rugby, Wales v Ireland, and the start of the six nations.
This is a rare sighting of BB on the white bridge this afternoon.
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