......a long way from home....

Blip world meet Malcolm......YH's baby brother.....and Charlie's uncle!

YH's Dad, his partner Angie and Malcolm are on a brief visit from their home in the Philippines.

We had them all over for a BBQ this afternoon....plus the Boss' youngest brother and his partner Sue......so cooking for 9 adults, a 2 year old and an 8 month old. Burgers, sausages, kebabs, chicken, pork steaks....mushrooms, salad, pasta and potatoes......strawberries and cream, chocolate cake and mini eclairs.

Malcolm had a new experience today....grass....he didn't mind the feel of it on his feet...but wasn't keen on crawling....Charlie was the same the first time we put her on the lawn, she wouldn't leave the blanket.......but after a couple of hours he suddenly went for it... and crawled across the lawn....after that there was no stopping him!

I love it when people who don't see each other often....or have never met before....get on really well so that the day just flows...and that's what happened this afternoon and evening...laughs, smiles, conversations, jokes and stories,food and drink, sunshine and music...pity it has to end really.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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