
By Ingleman

Moon And Cloud

Waxing Gibbous phase at 67%.

A clear but slightly hazy view and cloud creeping in from the east.

A good day today, starting at half-past-dog-barking and followed by a cup of tea in bed. It was a hard sparkly frost and much warmer in bed.

Mrs I had to go to Wolverhampton to assist in the arrangements for a care home place for her ageing and enfeebled dad.

I had to meet a lady from Ludlow who had ordered a canvass of a picture she had seen online. She was very pleased with the quality and may order more as gifts for family.

I took Hollie for a good long walk, grabbed some nice shots with the Nikon and got home in time to light the fire before Mrs I got back.

A nice evening in, fish dinner and TV before retiring for the night.

The extra is a shot down the dale with Brown Clee as a backdrop and Holdgate Church three miles away in the foreground.

A good day!

**Best Viewed Large**

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