Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Grow old with me.

Thank god mandy was there and I could dress her up in hilarious wigs and huge glasses.

As mentioned it was my dads 50th party this weekend which seems to have taken up all of the family life, and all the topics on conversation some how lead back to the fact he is 50. Honestly, you would think no one has ever been 50 before. My job besides everything was photographer, so it was an opportunity to whip out my popup back ground and after much shifting I managed to prop it up on two chairs so the 70% of 6ft people could fit in the white frame, silly that the rim is black.

Thinking about going to bingo tonight as its becoming one of the perks of being 18. Sad, I know but when you could win money anything is possible. Plus, mandy (above) has a new found addiction to it so hopefully she will be there after the wrath of this bloody party.

Work tomorrow which is a bit crap but at least I'm making some pennies for when I get to college. Which I am pooing my self for, literally so scared. I have no idea what to do and I don't know if I'm ready to start learning again. Results day is a week on thursday so I'm preparing for a huge night out of either celebrations or literally drowning my sorrows.

And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love. But all my tears have been used up. On another love.

Happy Blipping.

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