A short walk...
...down a long corridor :-)
At the hospital for 9am for my pre-op assessment. I was seen by a lovely nurse who took bloods and went over my medical history, asked a load of health questions...ever had a heart attack? Do you have angina? Do you have liver of kidney problems? And a load of others like that that thankfully I was able to say no to. I actually felt quite healthy by the end! lol
Having learned from Alan's experiences in hospital that any patient needs over and above the norm are generally overlooked, I mentioned that fact that in previous hospital stays D has had to take my wheels away due to lack of space on the ward. This was particularly difficult on one occasion when I was a fair distance from the loo and shower, and it would be impossible for me to walk that distance straight after this surgery. She has made a comment on my notes that I should either be placed in one of the single rooms or my hospital bed should be close to the loo. Fingers crossed they pick up on that.
Once she was done with me I saw a lovely man who gave me an ECG then saw a Doctor who checked my lungs. I was then free to go. Fingers crossed results from all of that are fine and my surgery will go ahead.
Normally we would have stopped somewhere for brunch but we headed straight home as we were meeting with Kim who manages Alan's support team, for our 6 monthly catch up. Despite the meeting lasting till 2pm, all is good with the team (we are so lucky that they are all so dedicated and basically become like members of the family) and once the business stuff was out of the way we basically just enjoyed a chat with Kim.
After lunch I attempted to get on with the animal bunting for Orla but I ended up watching an episode of Antiques Road Trip that was filmed in Perth and Kinross and enjoyed seeing some places familiar to us. Following that was an episode of The Repair Shop that was also based in Scotland. I may also have dozed off for an hour a moment or two ;-))
After dinner I spent some time going over my list of questions re. my surgery and the aftermath. The nurse was able to answer quite a few of them today but some really need an answer from my Gynaecologist, so I am about to email her secretary. I suspect the first chance she will have to answer them will be just prior to surgery but at least she will know in advance and won't be springing them on her on the day.
I've also watched a couple of YouTube videos this evening of women sharing their hysterectomy experiences and I have found them incredibly helpful. I made the decision that if I started watching and it became apparent is was a disaster story I would stop watching. Thankfully the one's I've seen have been positive but honest about the pain and what to expect.
Now a quick cuppa before bed :-)
Thank you SO MUCH for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts on my 14th anniversary blip on Saturday. You are all so kind, and so lovely and I am so happy to know you all here and some of you in person. I suspect if there's going to be a break in my 14 years of daily blips, it is likely to be in the coming weeks post surgery. I do intend to at least take a photo everyday but will forgive myself if I have to back blip. I also apologise in advance about how rubbish the blips might be! :-)))
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