
By SparseRunner


Today I went into work for a meeting with my Year 4 project student that almost overran so much that I was late for my lecture. Once again, I presented material that some in the class have found interesting in previous years, but was met with a wall of silence. 

A joined me at KB for lunch, after which we went back to my office for coffee. Hence she met my new intern and, by the time I'd returned with coffee, PhD student B had entered the room. We then went two doors down and met up with my old colleague K - who has known A well for decades - to chat as we drank our coffees. 

At a meeting in the afternoon with our finance manager, I agreed figures allowing an "End of project" financial statement to be signed off by the Head of School. It had been tricky, since I'd got the job done using far less than the donation that had been made, allowing me to do something else good with the rest of the money, but needed to convince the funder of that!

At the end of the afternoon I joined A at Mum's flat. We trucked some stuff and recycling down to the refuse room, and put more in the car to take home. On the way back we called in on daughter K, to give her a few things. She and her flat-mates got four rats a couple of years ago. One died a fortnight ago, and the others are clearly not long for the world.

Back home, we were glad that there were leftovers to eat, so we didn't have to cook. After eating, I watched the entertaining game between City and Real Madrid. Then I decided to submit the financial statement, and discovered that I should have submitted a more detailed statement 12 months ago, so stayed up late preparing that.

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