A .............
............. trip to Wisbech (Cambridgeshire) to the eye clinic for investigations into a glaucoma diagnosis by the optician.
They also gave me an appointment for laser treatment next Tuesday.
After having more tests, drops in both eyes and then, what looked like a locking wheel nut covered in gel, put on both eyeballs (yes, actually ON the eyeball!!) the results were in.
It seems that levels between 10 and 20 are considered 'normal' - the previous puffer tests showed 17 in the right eye and 26 in the left (the left is my "camera eye") - the gel-covered-wheel-nut test showed 18 in BOTH eyes - yay!!! Cancel the laser treatment and have another review in six months.
I hadn't realised how much it had been on my mind until it wasn't! :o))
Happy BB.
~ Anni ~
This is Wednesday uploaded on Friday morning.
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