Happy Moments

By ApolloFly

Much Faffing

Today didn’t work out as planned. We got started ok, I whizzed over to help G who’s fb account had been hacked and she wanted some help getting it back. That was sorted for her.

Then we went out to the snowdrop open garden weekend. However, even though we’d been told the parking for the event was going to be awkward, when we got there it was actually worse than awkward.

Parking was available in a nearby field, but they were queuing to get in and it would then have been a good ten minute walk back to the garden, before you start walking round. (OK for me, but not for Callum unfortunately) (plus it was a £10 each entry fee - which does go to charity, but seemed a bit excessive just for me to get my blip)

So, we abandoned the idea. Called into M&S on the way home for my cereal I like, had a bit of lunch when we got home and then Callum went off on a route run (taking B to Middlesbrough bus station tomorrow morning) whilst I walked the dogs down Marine Parade and the Lower Path Gardens in search of a blip.

Now, had I been with my blip bestie, she would have cleared all the ‘stuff’ around this small patch of snowdrops and made it look pretty for me. But instead I’ve faffed around with several apps blurred the ‘stuff’ quite a bit and can’t be bothered to do any more to it.

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