
By ayearinthelife

Red Light Spells Danger

Apologies for the slightly iffy staging of the photo - couldn’t work out how else to display it! This is an old - late 19th/early 20th century - railway or carriage lantern. A candle sits in the cylinder under the lamp and a spring feeds it up as it burns down so that there is a consistent light. White light to the front and side and a red light to the rear.
We are hoping to use it as a prop for our play, though if it has to light up I think the tech bods will need to install something battery operated as we can’t have naked flames on stage. I will find out at rehearsal tonight. Whether or not it’s used in the play it has, at least, had a bit of a clean. I think I had a vague idea at some point of adapting it to make an outside light for the house, but I’m not sure if it isn’t too far gone now.
Might be easier to try and move it on as a project for someone else to tackle…

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