Nobody’s Fool

When the highlight of your Friday is the wheelie bin being cleaned (see yesterday’s blip), you know you need to get out more.
Which is exactly what we’re doing this weekend. Tonight’s gig is Joanne Shaw Taylor at the RNCM Theatre in Manchester.
A fine blues guitarist we first saw her several years ago when she was supporting Robin Trower. He wasn’t as good as he should have been and we actually preferred her set!
Unfortunately, by the time we were due to see her again, the dreaded Covid had struck. The original 2020 date was cancelled and we couldn’t make the rescheduled gig as it clashed with something else. Instead, I had to settle for buying her 2021 album, the excellent (and accurately named) “The Blues Album” which was produced by - and has contributions from - another of my blues heroes, Joe Bonamassa.
But tonight, the stars have aligned and here we are. A decent - but not especially memorable - support set from a chap called Selby Connor set the mood of the evening before JST and her band took to the stage.
And she did not disappoint. Some absolutely sublime guitar playing, backed by a great band of musicians. And unlike her mentor, Mr Bonamassa (who barely speaks during a concert), she entertained us with a few anecdotes during the set as well. I even bought her latest CD (which is also the title of this blip) from the merch stand on the way out so we could listen to the tunes again on the drive home.
All in all, a great evenings entertainment, with the added bonus of being home just before midnight. Which is good, because we’re doing more of the same tomorrow so a good nights sleep is definitely in order now.

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