The View from the St. Bernard Pass …
… in winter looking into Italy with plenty of tracks across the frozen lake. It’s a great ski mountaineering route and not difficult or dangerous in today’s conditions. The first building you see on the Col (extra) seems a long way up when you first see it but today there were two bearded vultures circling in the Col, top right of the photo, and I wanted to get closer quickly! For once I was not carrying my Olympus with its big lens as I’ve never seen any wildlife up there in the winter. I needed to be in the big mountains again after last night’s film of the Dalai Lama, Wisdom of Happiness.
It touched me on many different levels as I have a strong personal attachment to Tibet. My first husband died there, I taught there, I met the Dalai Lama by accident at the bottom of a lift in Chicago. I have read so many books on Tibet but the Buddhist overriding beliefs of Compassion and Inner Peace to attain happiness on a personal level, are the strength of the teaching of the Dalai Lama. If only world politicians could be able to open their minds and hearts to this ultimate goal for the world.
We are invited out tonight so no commenting again! Apologies.
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