Surprise !
Felt tired today and it took awhile to get motivated , as we stepped out to take Bramble for a blowy walk I noticed these two anemones peeping out from one of the windows troughs.I’m sure they weren’t there yesterday.
It’s been quite a challenging day in various ways but at least I managed to sort through and reorganise all the shelves in the pantry , they have been bugging me for ages but are now neat and tidy . It was really an excuse to listen to Michelle Obama’s book , Becoming, which is narrated by the woman herself !
I’m really enjoying her story , as much as anything it showcases the difference that good parenting makes to a child’s life chances.
The extra is of the crocus flowers that offered themselves as a joyful surprise yesterday. They weren’t there the day before , how does that happen . Green shoots and then suddenly, overnight, a burst of colour appears
. I was too tired to blip yesterday , we took Arthur and Freya to Eureka in Halifax ( a children's interactive museum) . Heavy traffic and road closures added at least 40 minutes to the journey so that it was more than 2 hours . They were so patient and then , when we arrived , it was horribly busy !! Too many people , really noisy and difficult to interact with the interactive exhibits due to the mass of people . The children were so patient and polite , we were really impressed that having been cooped up in a car that they were able to cope with the mayhem . The highlight of the day was an Ice cream apiece in the cafe followed by playing in the big outdoor sandpit which they had to themselves as no other parents/carers wanted their charges wet and covered in sand , we felt that A and F had earned that particular delight . They both slept on the equally long journey home , we took a detour over the moors to avoid the road closures and congestion. It was beautiful and we were accompanied by rainbows . We had a really happy day!
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