A busy day at home. A and the kids had a safe journey to Essex, taking 3 1/2 hours to get there.
We had a postal delivery, a bundle which included a letter from an elderly cousin in Banff, Scotland. She was concerned about our wellbeing as she didn’t get the usual Christmas card and long newsy letter from us. What she doesn’t know is that we didn’t heard from her this year and I was also having concerns!!! What happened to the letters that we sent, I just don’t know.
It was a lovely letter and I know it will be ages before my new letter will wend its way up north thanks to the slow postal service, so I ordered some flowers by phone to be delivered on Monday with a card and note to say we are fine and a letter and photos will follow.
S came for dinner, a favourite dish lasagne with our butcher’s super tasty minced lamb. Whilst he was here he helped me with a few technical tasks, data off my phone to give to R and our central heating system.
This is the only picture taken today, I was otherwise distracted. My two friends in the spare room were noticed as I was closing the curtains.
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