
By pandieb


We won't talk about the run itself, as that was pretty awful but it was nice to see a friend back out this morning after he'd had a few weeks off following an operation on his eye. We were going to run together but it was ridiculously muddy and even with trail shoes on I was sliding all over the place, which was hurting my leg. I ended up walking a lot of the really slippy bits. Not quite my worst time but pretty darn close.

After that (and cleaning quite a lot of mud out of the shower) Himself and I went up to the cemetery before going  treat food shopping. The girls' mother is out of the country (as she always is in school holidays, sometimes taking their 14 yo half brother with her, sometimes leaving him with neighbours) so they've invited themselves for dinner tomorrow. 

Laundry, sofa, rugby. That's about it now.

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