Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

new bucket and spade

Grandma gave the mini pinks some money to spend on holiday, so within 20 mins of being in Cromer the Mini Pinks were the proud owners of new extra large spades and Miss Pink a new pink bucket! They were very proud of them and carried them all afternoon.
We spent the morning doing the first day thing of camping - getting used to our new home, being hunter-gatherers and playing in the park. We then headed into Cromer for a wander around and a little walk along the pier. The pier was buzzing as unknown to us it was the lifeboat festival. It made it fun though as there were lots of things to look at and there was a male choir in the lifeboat station singing. They were very good and we stayed for a while to listen. Then we headed back up to the campsite via a very yummy icecream stop.

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