Dawn's Journal

By DawnP


It was time for my annual trip to the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens taking advantage of the RHS Partner Garden free entry.  It is also a good time to see the garden waking up for Spring and to try out my new lens on the little Olympus.

As is to be expected at this time of year the snowdrops were out in force, and I was even treated to a bit of sunshine to give some bokeh, especially when converted to mono for today's Mono Monday challenge.

What about the MM theme of Swedish I hear you say?  Well this can be linked back to Linnaean taxonomy, a form of biological classification set up by the Swedish biologist Carl Linnaeus, as set forth in his Systema Naturae (1735) and subsequent works. In his taxonomy there are three kingdoms, divided into classes, and the classes divided into lower ranks in a hierarchical order. Today we recognise the kingdoms as animal, vegetable (or plants) and mineral, with the snowdrop representing a vegetable/plant.

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