..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Long Meg & her Daughters

Rarely does the new moon, clear weather and a chance to photograph the Milky Way align. Last night it did, what I needed was a dark sky and a composition. I seem to be drawn to the neolithic (perhaps I'm just old) and stone circles in particular. I've been to quite a few up here now.  I had visited Long Meg & her Daughters previously but not at night so I wasn't sure how dark the skies were but it was well out in the sticks so I thought I'd give it a go.
Stellarium indicated best time for the milky way arch would be between 4-5am so alarm set for 3! 
Unfortunately it wasn't as dark as I'd hoped, but I made the best of it. 
I learned a few things, 1, taking long exposures with trees and then trying to stack photos doesn't work and 2, I need a wider lens. 16mm on APS-C can't photograph a galaxy :-)
Anyway here is Long Meg,  about 4000 years old, 12 feet high she stands outside the circle of 65 daughters, this is a big circle!
Later in the morning after a bit of extra kip I went with Jess to the Lowther estate, she was running with Eden Runners. I headed off for a walk. In a woodland section I heard a high pitched birdsong, I thought it might be a wren, it was high up and I managed to get a shot, it didn't hang about. Looking at it on the PC I am happy to have bagged a Goldcrest, (extra) I think it's the first one I've ever seen.

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