
By Marionb

Not Again?

Yep...more snow....the kind of snowfall you wish for around Christmas time - big fluffy flakes gently falling and covering everything in a blanket of white.. but not so welcome now! Drat! 

But then, it stopped and the melting began...slushy streets etc...and then a misty rain...Geez...Fingers crossed that all that wet doesn't freeze...

And today was Ontario Election Day and I realize Blip is not the place we are to discuss politics, but just let it be said ..."Not Again!" Drat...The incumbent won the majority he was seeking. It was expected though...and I knew my little vote would not change things but one must try, right? 

One good thing about looks as if mild weather is nigh..It keeps showing up in little bits, but I know it is out there somewhere lurking.... 

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