talloplanic views

By Arell

Pheeling Phlat Phriday

Somewhat against my better judgement I cycled into town this morning for an office day, preceded by coffee and a bun with bikey friends.  Except that it wasn't coffee with bikey friends because I had a good ol' shoutin' at a van driver who flung open his door just before I passed him which made me temporarily forget that I was meant to be two streets to the west.  I was already in A Bit Of A Mood because I'd had to slam the brakes on when another driver pulled out right in front of me from a side road barely two minutes from the house.  In the end I decided I wasn't feeling very peopley and would just buy coffee at work and save myself about half the cost.  In the event I just made myself cups of tea for free.

I didn't go fixing other people's problems this time, I made them someone else's problem, but that took all morning.  Random Colleague was in though, and we had lunch with Random Colleague's Colleague.  But lunch came and went too quickly.  By mid-afternoon my legs were still feeling worn out and I wanted to get home before it got dark.

But today is also Phriday, and I had six telephone boxes to visit, in case any were Lion Foundry.  The first one above wasn't: it's a Carron Company (boo hiss) and advertises a community hub in the Old Town.  It is also very Leaning Kiosk of Edinburgh.

After that it was up the High Street to look at a pair outside Deacon Brodie's Tavern.  One of them is Lion and one is Carron, and they are both extremely stickerbombed.  Across the street is another Lion, but I didn't take a photo of it.  And then there were two more down the road, but installed so close to each other I couldn't even see the maker's plates.  I looked inside the one that wasn't locked, and couldn't see any maker's codes there either.

I rode to Mum and Dad's to say hello but they were out gallivanting somewhere.  My panniers weighed a ton and frankly I was feeling very tired out and wanted a rest.  So I carried on, then decided just to walk my bike for a while, then stopped and had a bit to eat before the final slog home to flop.

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