Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Jenn & Pete

Jenn and I go far far back. We've known each other since middle school I think. Two shy introverted art nerds drawing still life's and sharing conversation at the same table in weekly bouts of creativity and conversation. And thats where it all began. A long history and friendship. She is one of my very best friends.

Pete is another great friend and we lived together in college for while and share many stories all our own. The two of them have been on and off high school sweethearts as far back as I can remember finally tying the knot and getting married last summer...errrr, and I missed the wedding, away in Peru. So, I owe them big. I hope being able to visit now can in some way make up for not being there then....

California day one. An epic day! Vineyards, vineyards everywhere and many cups to drink. Perusing the local wineries. Doing our best to fit in amidst the guady elitism that seems to go with some of the wine tasting vibe here, but really I found its not even a thing. Enjoying wine and a beautiful day with all sorts of folk. Looking out on long rows of grapevines marching out to the edges of low sculpted hillsides punctuated by lonely gnarled oak trees. Big blue sky with narry a cloud to be seen.

By the end of the day we couldn't tell the difference between essences of vanilla, subtle hints of citrus, or jammy overtones of fruit. So many tastes and lingos lost in translation, ha! Concluding the day in the back field of a vineyard walking barefoot in the grass playing bochie ball and finishing off a bottle between the three of us.

I vaguely recall eating heaping piles of delicious sushi later in the evening but by that point it had all become just a little sideways.

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