Up early for an Arena Eventing comp at Aylesford for Eva and Jack. He was in one of his difficult moods today- lots of napping and a few silly refusals but they got round and Eva was thrilled not to be eliminated. Love her attitude- even when he's difficult she still says how much she loves him and how she wouldn't change him for the world.
Back at the yard we got Buddy and Indy in for a schooling session. It was Indy's first time in the arena with another horse. He was a bit distracted but we did manage to do our own thing without him just following Buddy so that was good. We had a lovely canter and a little excited buck! Spring is in the air! As the ramp was still down on the lorry we had a go at loading Indy. He pretty much walked straight in, which is brilliant. Luckily he's very greedy so we could entice him with treats.
Then Eva said she would do all the jobs so I could take Lime round the woods. Had such a lovely ride, he was excited to be out and offered me a couple of canters which always means he's feeling good. Eva was really proud of everything she'd done on her own while I was out.
It's been a great horsey day and beautiful weather too.
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