Well I managed to tear myself away from my desk today to make pea, chorizo and mint soup (for future consumption) and Dutch style savoury pancakes for lunch. The presentation of the later lacked finesse but they were tasty. I am currently making a one pan roast salmon dish which is cooking at the same time as my bread (which I'm having to do by the old-fashoned way until new bread-maker arrives).
I also attended the AGM of our local walking group and inspected the garden on my return. I was pleased to see that my rhubarb has started to grow.
Earlier in the day I started a new on-line yin yoga programme which focuses on your hips. It was harder than I anticipated - probably a sign that the exercises will be of benefit !
I did spend some time at desk and finished the first draft of my assessment which I will not put aside for a couple of days.
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