Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


We've had a good day. We got up slowly (much needed) and then went to a friend's house late morning for a play and then lunch. We started off at the park, and then headed off to their house to play. We had a yummy lunch together, and the kids had a fabulous time while us mummies got a chance to catch up. It's always reassuring to know that other mums face some of the same challenges during the school holidays!! The mini pinks were having a ball but we headed off around four so that we could go to the library. The mini pinks are doing the library reading challenge so we needed to swap books and collect stickers. The mini Pinks managed to con me out of a visit to the bakery on the way passed, and we came away with two caramel shortbreads!! This is Miss Pink enjoying hers after tea in the garden :)

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